
Nut Dangers to Dogs

Nut Dangers to Dogs

Nuts are always popular treats, not just as an easy snack, but also in all sorts of baked goodies and other recipes. It is important that dog owners not share many of those snacks and treats with their pets, however, because of the different nut dangers to dogs. Understanding those dangers can help dog owners keep their pets safe. Some Nuts Are Okay – In Moderation When dog owners first learn that nuts can be dangerous to dogs, they may be shocked to see peanut and peanut butter-flavored treats available for dogs from pet stores, major retailers and even specialty...

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Tips On Raising Poultry

Tips On Raising Poultry

Raising chickens on your estate or even in your backyard is a very fulfilling activity that requires dedicated time and practice. No matter how large of an operation you’re running, there are many important tips on raising poultry that every beginner must be aware of. Once everything is up and running smoothly, you may be surprised how little maintenance is necessary, but this, of course, is the product of proper planning and preparation. Begin by choosing a coop location on your property. Chickens do not need copious space to thrive, but it’s best to reserve at least a 6 ft...

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Holiday Travel Must-Haves With Pets

Holiday Travel Must-Haves With Pets

Holiday travel is naturally chaotic, and it can be even crazier if your pets are coming along on the trip. If you pack the proper pet essentials, however, your travel plans can go more smoothly. These holiday travel must-haves can help you pack along your pets with ease. Before You Make Your Travel Plans Before you pack a bag for your pet, it is important to verify that the animal will be welcome wherever you are traveling for the holiday. While your dog, cat, or other animal may be a treasured member of your family, more distant relatives and friends...

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Removing Ticks From Your Pets

Removing Ticks From Your Pets

Ticks are disgusting little insects that survive by sucking blood from their hosts, often times from your four-legged friend. Here are some tips to get that pestering tick out: You should check your animal pretty regularly to see if it has ticks on it. Ticks especially like to nest in the head and neck area. When feeling around your pet, you may encounter an area where you feel a small round lump. If you spread the hair and see a tick, here are the steps you need to take to remove it: - First of all, you should have latex...

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Halloween Pet Dangers

Halloween Pet Dangers

Halloween is a season when it’s fun to be scared, but there is nothing fun about the serious dangers Halloween can present to pets. Being aware of Halloween pet dangers is essential to safeguard your furry, feathered, and scaled family members so everyone can enjoy the holiday safely and comfortably. Top Halloween Dangers for Pets Despite the fun, treats, and excitement associated with the holiday, there are surprising threats and hazards toward pets at Halloween. The most dangerous Halloween pet dangers include… Poison – Accidental poisonings are one of the top pet risks at Halloween. Most Halloween candies, including anything...

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