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Boehringer Ingelheim
Will immunize healthy sheep, goats and cattle against Enterotoxemia and Tetanus caused by the toxins of Cl. perfringens types C & D, and Cl. tetani.
Dosage: Cattle - 5 ml; Sheep and goats - 2 ml subcut. Repeat in 21-28 days and annually. 21 day slaughter withdrawal.
Anaphylactoid reactions may occur. Antidote: Epinephrine.
Kruse's Perfection Super Egg Complete Chicken Food
Mazuri® Mini Pig Active Adult
Nutrena® NatureWise® Layer 16% Pellet
Nutrena® Country Feeds® Scratch Grains
Nutrena® NatureWise® Chick Starter Grower Feed
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