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Rocky Canyon Rosebud Horse Bedding

Rocky Canyon

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Rosebud Horse Bedding business model depends on what we put inside our bales.

We want to share product information about the purest and cleanest wood shavings that money can buy.

Be aware of by-products that exist in many secondary sawmills that are hazardous to your animals’ health.

Shavings from secondary mills can contain glue, wood filler, varnish, polyurethane, paint, sealant, and all kinds of potentially harmful chemicals that can cause illness or allergic reaction for your equine environment. We know that your horses and other pet animals live on our shavings. From the air your horses breathe, to the pine shavings that are provided for bedding in their stalls, understanding the source of your shavings means that you are shopping responsibly.

Kiln dried shavings created in pure and clean environments will lead to an equine and animal lifestyle that can be enjoyed without the toxic hazards related to shavings from secondary sawmills.

We know how important pure, clean and natural bedding is to the environments your animals live in.

Rosebud’s pure and clean pine and white fir shavings come from primary sawmills that use raw saw logs to make untreated boards and lumber.

Primary sawmills do not use chemicals, so there are no chemicals in their shavings.

All of our shavings come from primary sawmills.

If you’re buying shavings from another supplier, make sure you ask about their source for wood. If they cannot (or will not) tell you, then maybe it’s time for a change.

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